Winterizing Your Skin


a woman applying lip gloss in the winterHave you ever noticed that your skin changes with the seasons? In the summer, we tend to spend more time under the harsh rays of the sun, which can certainly dry out the skin, although the humidity in some parts of the country can help your skin stay more hydrated and younger looking. In the winter, we bounce between cold outdoor temperatures and heated interiors, the latter which is known to dry out the skin. This fluctuation often results in itchy, flaky winter skin.

Here are some tips for taking care of your precious skin – the body's largest organ – during the colder season.

Protection & Prevention

Sunscreen: It's cold and snowy, and perhaps the sun is hiding behind the clouds, but sunscreen – especially for outdoor enthusiasts – is still a must. It's proven that winter activities can lead to sunburn and skin damage, due to the fact that many snow sports take place at higher elevations where ultraviolet radiation (UV) levels are more magnified. The snow also reflects the sun, making the UV rays more powerful, even when it's hiding behind the clouds.

These days, many people shun the sun, as the idea that tanned skin looks "healthy" has been overshadowed by fears of skin cancer, wrinkles, and irreversible damage. Rightly so. Melanoma is the fastest spreading skin cancer with the highest death rate, and then there's the more treatable pre-cancers such as squamous and basal cell carcinomas.

In both winter and summer, broad-spectrum (blocking both UVA and UVB rays) sunscreens are recommended, and there are a variety of more natural formulas that not only block the rays, but also nourish the skin.

Add Moisture: The dry air produced from heating systems can diminish the skin's natural moisture. Especially in the winter, it's important to use a moisturizer every day, especially after a shower. (Speaking of showers, it's best to keep hot showers short and use a moisturizing soap.)

As stated above, since humidity can help add more moisture, a quality humidifier should be used in common living spaces. If you are using one, make sure to clean it regularly, otherwise bacteria and fungus can build up.

Natural Healing

If you are suffering from dry, flaky, and itchy winter skin, many remedies can be found on grocery store shelves. Here are some natural, ways to tend to winter skin:

Oils: Coconut oil and almond oil are great dry skin soothers and deep moisturizers. Warm the oil up by placing the container in a bowl of hot water before the shower, and apply a thin layer right after to seal in the moisture.

Moisturizers: Look for moisturizing skin creams that are based on naturally healing ingredients such as jojoba, aloe vera, honey, and oils.

For any questions, call or contact CIA Carter Insurance Agency today.

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